CDR International (the Netherlands) is proud to have completed a flooding vulnerability and engineering study for the Busanyin shrine at the UNESCO world site heritage in the Osun-Osgobo Sacred Grove in Nigeria.
The study entailed a flooding and vulnerability analysis of the project and included the conceptual design of flood prevention measures to protect the shrine from severe flooding events.
In 2019 severe flooding resulted in damage to a number of the fragile structures, artworks and sculptures at the site. The flooding was caused by the Osun River running adjacent to the site. In recent years more extreme flooding events were observed, which can be attributed to the effects of climate change.
In Q4 of 2021 CDR was asked by Cyark to contribute to the efforts to restore the Busanyin shrine by conducting a flooding study and develop feasible flood protection measures, to ensure that the longevity and authenticity of the site and heritage values are preserved. The chosen engineering solutions involved site elevation, retaining walls from locally sourced materials and gabion structures.
This project was carried out in close cooperation with Cyark who prepared a full 3D model of the shrine and site, as well as local stakeholders and community leaders.
Images where taken during the site visit and are captured from Cyark’s 3D model: https://www.cyark.org/projects/busanyin-shrine/exhibit
See also project.