As of May 16th, 2022, Jelle van Zuijlen (MSc.) joined CDR International as a Project Engineer. Jelle graduated as a Hydraulic Engineer from TU Delft in 2015, with specialization in Rivers, ports and Waterways. During his masters he worked on a land reclamation project in Manado, Indonesia.
For the last six years Jelle has worked as flood risk specialist at Arcadis. During this period he worked on several major flood risk projects in the Netherlands, including the Texel Waddensea dikes, high water protection programme (HWBP) in Limburg and most recently on the Markermeerdijken dike enhancement project. During this time he worked on subjects like geotechnical engineering, hydraulic boundary conditions, dike revetments, and risk analyses of temporary flood defences. At Markermeerdijken he was the design lead for part of the execution preparation phase.
At CDR Jelle will put his knowledge about Dutch Dikes, and hydraulic engineering in general, to use in international context. CDR wishes Jelle all the best in his new endeavour.