CDR is currently carrying out a large port dredging project in Payra Port, Bangladesh which will require a permanent presence from CDR staff for the coming years.
CDR’s Haisam Daouk set up a fund raising initiative to support the children of Kuakata, a small fishing village located along the northern shores of the Bay of Bengal. CDR management decided to support his initiative by doubling all donations Haisam raises for this cause. Haisam decided to raise funds for a primary school in Kuakata which has a mixed student body of 153 students up to the age of 12 and who are mostly the children of the local fishing community. The donated amount was enough to purchase a stationary set for every student and sporting equipment including cricket sets, footballs, and badminton supplies, for the entire school. In early December, Haisam and 2 supervisors visited the school to deliver the donations and spend time playing cricket and football with the students. The students were very happy to receive their gifts which highlighted the importance of giving back to the communities we work with around the world.
Some funds are left and will be used for purchasing some more supplies for the school and the students. The donations have gone a long way and made a big impact on these students’ lives and as a result more initiatives like this will be planned to support the local community during future visits.
School visit