CHEC Pakistan has been awarded the EPC contract for the New offshore coal import jetty for CPHGC 2 x 660 MW coal fired power plant. In view of the challenging environment in which the breakwater has to be constructed. CHEC Pakistan has requested CDR International to carry out a Value Engineering study. The design meetings took place in Wuhan, China, with representatives of CHEC, TWITE and CCCC Second Harbour Consultant. The following topics were discussed and reported on:

– The breakwater layout design;
– The breakwater cross section design;
– The jetty design;
– Rock density requirement aspects;
– Settlement of the breakwater.

The following activities have been performed:

  • Detailed downtime assessment;
  • Wave penetration modelling (PHAROS);
  • Armour stability assessment;
  • Overtopping calculations;
  • Design of typical cross-sections.

The result of the engineering assessment was a concise report with recommendations for viable optimisations for design and constructability.