As of the 1st of January 2021, Stijn Dijsselbloem (MSc.) joined CDR International as Project Engineer.
In September 2020, Stijn graduated as Hydraulic Engineer at the Delft University of Technology with the specializations of Coastal, River and Dredging Engineering. His MSc. thesis was about incorporating the wave penetration model PHAROS in the Dynamic Mooring Analysis chain. As a case study, field measurements from the outer port of La Coruña, Spain, were used for validation. During his Bachelors, Stijn did an exchange semester at the Universitat Politècnica de València and conducted his BSc. thesis in Maputo, Mozambique, were he aimed to improve the design of the wastewater treatment plant. Additionally, during his Masters, he worked on a project in Buenos Aires by investigating the feasibility of a network of marinas along the coast of the province of Buenos Aires. Lastly, an internship was conducted at a civil engineering consultancy firm in Lima, Peru, where he mostly worked on projects related to Dynamic Mooring Analyses.
CDR wishes him all the best in his new endeavour.