On 28 June 2022 the contract signing ceremony took place at the Ministry of Shipping in Dhaka Bangladesh. Under supervision of the Hon. State Minister Mr. Chowdhry, the chairman of Payra Port Rear Admiral Sohail and CDR’s managing director Mr. Peter Biemond signed the agreement.
CDR and partners will carry out an assignment for Engineering and Consultancy services for capital & maintenance dredging of Rabanabad channel of Payra Port.
The project entails the deepening of the 80 km long inner- and outer channel, allowing larger vessels to service the port.
The dredging and reclamation works for approx. 80 million cubic meter of soil are scheduled to start in August 2022 and last for about 2 years.
CDR International from the Netherlands is the lead firm with partners Deltares (Netherlands), DevConsultants (Bangladesh) and Subconsultant ACE Consultants (Bangladesh).