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High-end numerical Modelling and Simulation

Reliable design conditions are crucial in every coastal, port, urban and riverine development project. This begins with the acquisition, interpretation and validation of reliable data, knowledge of the local climatology and the technology used to produce the data. Preferably such data is calibrated and verified by measurements, such services can be provided as well.

CDR provides detailed and high quality meteorological and oceanic data (both archived data as well as forecast data) for use in offshore and coastal projects. This can be gathered and used for preliminary design studies and later further enhanced and calibrated using measurements for final design studies, even further increasing the accuracy and reliability of the data and hence structural design. Hydrodynamic modelling studies can be used to determine reliable hydraulic design conditions (waves, currents), assess morphological impacts, determine wave penetration into a port and to optimize coastal, land reclamation, dredging and riverine projects using a practical, straight forward and reliable approach.

CDR has direct access to several relevant global open-source data sources, such as climate models (GCM and IPCC), wave and wind hindcast data sets (ERA-5, NCEP), ocean circulation models (HYCOM), surge and tide models (GTSR, FES2014), bathymetry and topography data sets (SRTM, GEBCO) and remote-sensing data. Dedicated in-house developed analysis tools enables rapid but detailed evaluation of main hazard drivers and forcing variables and in turn to adequate model input.

Besides global data CDR has often been involved in organisation and post-processing of results of potentially required surveys, e.g. bathymetry, topography, waves, water levels, soil sampling etc.

While CDR has a vast experience in numerical modelling, through cooperation with research groups such Delft University of Technology, IHE Delft and Deltares, we will ensure that state-of the- art modelling approaches and newest insights and results of the constantly evolving field of climate change will be incorporated. CDR has vast experience in modelling of MetOcean (wind, waves), hydrodynamic (river flow, water levels, flow conditions) as well as morpho-dynamic conditions (coastal erosion studies, morphological impact studies). Software tools such as: SWAN, Delft3D, XBeach, MIKE21-SW, UNIBEST, LITPACK, Pharos, SOBEK, Delft 3D (including Delft 3D flexible Mesh), XBeach and ShorelineS as well as the required statistical and data analysis tools as well as programming skills (Python, MATLAB) to process said result.

CDR provides the following hydraulic and numerical modelling studies:

  • MetOcean studies: high accuracy offshore wave- and wind data, including wave forecasting;
  • Wave studies: nearshore wave statistics, reliable design wave conditions, wave penetration studies and wave disturbance studies (very long waves). Practical methods are available to optimize Port layouts using quick iterative wave penetration studies, being able to optimize the layout in a single workshop with the Client. In particular these and following wave studies can be performed:
    • Transformation of an offshore wave climate to nearshore wave climates at required locations
    • Wave penetration, wave disturbance and wave resonance studies in ports and harbours. Both practical and quick-scan studies as comprehensive (final design) studies including the whole range of wave conditions (wave heights, periods, directions, combination of conditions)
    • Providing input for sediment transport studies
    • Derive wave loadings for marine structures, piles, pipelines etc.
  • Hydrodynamic modelling studies: (extreme) water levels, flow conditions and run-off in coastal areas, river system and urban areas.
    Morphological studies: coastal erosion studies, morphological impact studies, optimization of sand nourishment of land reclamations under changing year-round wave conditions.

Together with our partners we also provide site survey campaigns, viz. hydrographic, topographic and geotechnical survey campaigns to support the numerical modelling studies and provide for important local hydrodynamic and geotechnical data.