The main objective from the Client is to determine the downtime at berths 1 to 8 of the Hambantota Port Phase II. Such downtime can be determined with high accuracy using numerical mooring studies (DMA studies) based on the Metocean conditions at the berths, (different) vessel characteristics and mooring configurations. This results in limiting Metocean conditions of the different vessels and berths, based on which the downtime can be assessed using available long-term time series. Separate mooring analysis calculations must be performed for each combination of Metocean conditions, vessel, berth and mooring configuration. To minimize the number of calculations to be performed, and hence minimize the cost, it is important to analyse or determine the (expected) governing scenarios first, including analysis of the wave measurement data and a first assessment of infra-gravity waves.
CDR and sub-consultant have studied the waves, limiting criteria, vessel specifications, berthing layout and critical scenarios, summarized in a comprehensive report. The following scope has been performed:
- Analysis of Wave Measurements at Berth 1 (incl. analysis of infra-gravity waves)
- Assessment of wave conditions at berths 2 to 8
- Assessment of (preliminary) limiting wave conditions for several vessels
- Initial Downtime Assessment
- Drafting optimized scope of the detailed DMA analysis